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board room members looking at a note on a window

South Africa , Jul 23, 2024


What is a data-driven organisation?

Describing an organisation as data-driven or urging businesses to become data-driven is a popular topic in ICT. As the business environment becomes more reliant on actionable data and informed decisions based on that data; we can expect references to being data-driven to increase.

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South Africa , Jul 9, 2024


How to implement a cybersecurity strategy

In our latest CIO report, a staggering 83% of CIOs reported experiencing a cyber hack in the last year and almost all of those surveyed experienced business damage as a consequence. The need for an effective cybersecurity strategy security is clear. But how do you implement a cyber security strategy?

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cloud over data server rack

South Africa , Jun 25, 2024


Cloud vs on-premises data storage solutions

Businesses of all sizes rely on data storage solutions to manage the ever-growing data volumes associated with modern business operations. Several options are available, including cloud, hybrid and traditional on-premises data storage.

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digital energy installation

South Africa , May 15, 2024


The business benefits of Critical Power

It's all about using the power of automation, innovation, and smart tools to revolutionise how we manage energy. The goal? Reduce waste, cut costs, and promote sustainability. With sustainability and climate change becoming increasingly important, Critical power is no longer a choice; it's a must for companies in South Africa.

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South Africa , Feb 20, 2024


The cybersecurity threats of remote work

Remote work was introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic and has since become a regular feature of the modern workplace. As with all new developments in business, there are advantages, but also risks associated with remote work. Companies have seen new cybersecurity threats entering the threat landscape as employees began working offsite.

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South Africa , Jan 30, 2024


What is sustainability in IT?

Sustainability is an important topic in modern business as customers and other stakeholders increasingly measure their service providers’ performance against environmental and ethical standards. This directly impacts the IT industry as many clients will consciously choose to do business with companies that perform better on environmental metrics.

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South Africa , Jan 24, 2024


How to develop an IT communications strategy

A strong and reliable IT communications strategy is required to get maximum buy-in from all stakeholders in the IT value chain. Developing your IT communications strategy is an involved process that follows multiple steps.

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South Africa , Jan 10, 2024


What is Deep Observability?

Logicalis South Africa has recently partnered with Gigamon to deliver a new Deep Observability solution to South African enterprise companies. Deep Observability offers many benefits from security to network intelligence and allows organisations to have full visibility and control over their entire network infrastructure and the information flow.

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South Africa , Dec 8, 2023


What are the benefits of a Security Operations Centre (SOC)?

Security operations centres (SOCs) offer many benefits to companies, either as an internal resource, or as a managed security services solution. A good SOC service can prevent a wide range of cyber threats from becoming disastrous events that can affect a company for years.

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