Critical Power

Clean, sustainable, efficient

Reduce power costs, embrace renewable and hybrid energy, and ensure business continuity

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Logicalis Critical Power

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Sustainable power

Our Critical Power solutions can draw upon renewable energy sources which help businesses to lower their carbon footprint, improve ESG performance, and combat loadshedding/power outages.

Fast setup and integration

All-in-one power solutions requiring minimal to zero civil work and allowing rapid deployment. Modular technology helps to scale energy solutions and support or replace existing infrastructure. 

Reliability & cost-efficiency

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Seamless switchovers, super-fast charging, and scalable capacity help to keep businesses operational during energy challenges. Intelligent monitoring & ROI models allow managers to keep costs down. 

Power services & technologies

  • 15kVA - 1600kVA UPS solutions
  • Pre-integration & cable management
  • Power inventory use management
  • Power financing solutions

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Say goodbye to loadshedding with our power solution partner

Logicalis has partnered with Huawei Digital Power to deliver power solutions for SMEs and Enterprise organisations. This powerful partnership allows us to deliver efficient, sustainable energy solutions at competitive market rates.

Huawei Power-S Product Overview

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Beating loadshedding with Huawei Luna

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critical power

First commercial deployment in South Africa

Logicalis deployed the first commercial closed-loop Huawei Power-S in South Africa: A Revolutionary integrated power solution offering seamless multi-source support.

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Reliable and sustainable power

Let us build a scalable, reliable and environmentally-friendly power system for your business

Let's talk about your business critical power needs

Critical Power solutions across sectors

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Reduce your power costs and become energy independent with Logicalis

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